
ERASMUS+ Policy Statement

2021 – 2027 

University of Defence´s vision is to operate as an internationally recognized military university primarily oriented according to the requirements and needs of the founder for the training of university qualified personnel of the armed forces through accredited study and lifelong learning programmes enabling the development of key scientific areas and long-term developing towards a major Central European military educational institution.

The mission of University of Defence is to develop as a state university, a unique centre of critical thinking creating and disseminating knowledge based on theoretically and methodologically supported analyses, respecting written and unwritten ethical rules, academic freedoms, responsibility and presenting their results on national and international level. The focus of development is aimed to the training of military professionals and other experts working in the field of defence and state security.

The goal of University of Defence is an institutionalized and resource-covered system of quality assurance and internal evaluation of educational, related creative and other activities, based on standards described in „Act No. 111/1998 Coll., On Universities and on Amendments to Other Acts (Act on Universities)“ and elaborated in detail in university internal regulations which apply principles a model of excellence based on the European Foundation for Quality Management (EFQM).

The University of Defence is developing as an attractive place for the implementation of scientific activities with an international dimension, with an emphasis on acquiring foreign partners for cooperation and taking part in international scientific research projects. Furthermore, its goal is to successfully cooperate with foreign partners in scientific research projects, in the exchange of experience and scientific and technical knowledge, which enable mutually beneficial mobility of scientific and academic staff.

By participating in Erasmus+ Programme, University of Defence wants to increase its internationalization, which is one of the requirements for the granting of institutional accreditation, which University of Defence wants to strive for in the next several years. This goal is a key effort of University of Defence to fulfil the long-term goal of the organization. Given that University of Defence is a state and the only military university in the Czech Republic, building foreign cooperation and its continuous improvement and deepening is essentially the only way to gain partners for educational and scientific activities. In its strategic documents, especially in the „Strategy of Educational Activities of the University of Defence in Brno until 2025 with a view to 2030“ and in the „Strategy of Scientific Activities of the University of Defence in Brno until 2025 with a view to 2030“, it emphasizes the development of international cooperation especially with foreign military universities.

To fulfil above mentioned statements and objectives University of Defence is prepared to contribute to the objectives of the European Education Area and support and reinforce the development of key competences and basic skills for both its students and staff members mainly through providing highquality education, training and lifelong learning without distinction, supporting academic staff in implementing competence-based teaching and learning approaches, encouraging a variety of learning approaches and contexts for continued learning and also exploring approaches to assess and validate key competences according to the „Recommendation on Key Competences for Lifelong Learning“. University of Defence is also prepared to take actions to support technology use and the development of digital competences in education.

The University of Defence considers internationalization to be a necessary precondition for its modernization, especially modernization in the field of teaching, where staff members undergoing mobility bring new knowledge, approach and methods acquired abroad to their teaching practice. However, internationalization cannot be considered as the only way of modernization, and the knowledge obtained abroad cannot advance the university to improve the situation without taking further steps. For this reason, the university has gradually supported education by using specific examples (simulations) and increased the level of practical measurements in laboratories, so that students can gain the required habits and skills. The university has been modernizing its laboratories by purchasing modern instrument, equipment and related software, as well as modernizing other facilities, classrooms and equipment.

During its previous involvement in the Erasmus+ Programme, University of Defence has established a number of high-quality partnerships with not only foreign military universities, although military universities are the focus of its international cooperation. The main partners of University of Defence are military universities from Slovakia, Austria, Hungary and Poland. The university also has cooperated with partners from other European countries. In the next period, it would like to focus on deepening cooperation, especially with institutions in states of Western Europe. Through its further involvement in the Erasmus+ programme, University of Defence wants to develop and deepen this cooperation, e.g. by accrediting joint degree programmes, other joint activities in educational and scientific field, and with respect to possibilities and construction of study programmes also by contributing to cooperation within the European Initiative for the Exchange of Military Young Officers (so-called common modules/European semester).

University of Defence expects that increasing and deepening internationalisation through the Erasmus+ Programme will not only help to meet national standards for granting institutional accreditation, which is one of university´s main objectives, but also will help to develop its functions as a state university, a unique centre of critical thinking creating and disseminating knowledge and presenting its results on national and international level.

By participating in Erasmus+ Programme, University of Defence wants to increase its internationalization, which is one of the requirements for the granting of institutional accreditation, which University of Defence wants to strive for in the next several years. This goal is a key effort of University of Defence to fulfil the long-term goal of the organization.

University of Defence will strive to increase the number of students who could gain international experience. This experience is considered to be very important both for better professional and personal development of students and also for the later more successful integration of the graduates into international military missions and international command structures. University of Defence also expects that participation in the Erasmus+ Programme will significantly help in fulfilling the standard specified in „Government Decree No. 274/2016 Coll. on Standards for Accreditation in Higher Education“, which requires for all doctoral students to complete part of their studies at a foreign institution (for at least one month) or to participate in an international scientific project with results published or presented abroad or another form of direct student participation in international cooperation. University of Defence sees an opportunity to meet this standard in particular in blended mobility.

University of Defence has set up a system of quality and internal quality assessment in the areas of education, science, and related activities regulated in the document „Rules of the Quality Assurance System and Internal Quality Assessment at the University of Defence in Brno“ (issued in 2018). This internal rule also applies to the Erasmus+ Programme and contains qualitative and quantitative indicators for monitoring of mobility. Other indicators are monitored in the „Annual Report“, which the university prepares every year as its legal obligation, as well as in the „Evaluation of the Annual Plan“ twice a year submitted to the Ministry of Defence of the Czech Republic. These indicators also include quality of support for mobility participants. Every year University of Defence evaluates the results of the previous year of Erasmus+ mobility and sets goals for next year and adjusts the long-term goals that have been set in the so-called mobility curve, which represents the intended number of mobility for the next period.


2014 – 2021 

The essential document for the University of Defence concept is its “Long-term plan of learning, scholar, research, development and other creative activities held by the University of Defence in 2011 till 2015”. It has risen from a wide discussion in which all school academic staff participated and was debated and approved by the University of Defence Academic Senate as the school’s supreme authority. This document outlines school’s general strategy concerning goals and its priority orientation towards its participation in the Erasmus programme. Accent is placed on the processes that would allow a deeper collaboration with the military forces and military learning and scientific and/or research institutions in NATO member countries, Visegrad Four countries, countries adjacent to the Czech Republic and other EU countries. The highest priority is given to students and academic staff mobility system implementation and application through opening the University of Defence to international university environment on the reciprocity basis as stipulated in bi- or multi-lateral agreements with primarily NATO-countries military learning counterpart institutions.
The University’s of Defence experience based on the lessons learnt during the activities performed toward meeting the lone-term plan goals make us believe the tertiary education institutions’ open attitude is and long will be an attribute of the basic ones typical for education institutions involved in tertiary education and therefore the phenomenon shall receive notable accentuation in the next period of timeTherefore, the UD will implement the Bologna process so that the UD be a full-fledged member of the European Higher Education Area improving thus its competitiveness in the international environment. To meet the goal, it shall:
–  focus the effort over the entire scale to proper implementation and maximum exploitation of ECTS on the basis of learning outputs;
–  create conditions to increase the number of sent students to scholarship/training periods abroad (e.g. supporting student’s mobility through scholarships by its own sources, student comprehensive evaluation system, etc.);
–  precise the conditions of academic and other staff career promotion towards their long-time mobility (acquiring experience at similar institutions abroad should be a standard during career);
–  create conditions for rigorously kept records in the student register of all leaving/coming students;
–  strictly and correctly acknowledge courses taken abroad, as these issues shall be incorporated into the internal regulations of the University of Defence and its component parts;
–  develop mobility within career education through ECVET as an important short cycle courses representative at the UD;
–  increase the number of international students in both accredited and non-accredited forms through a wider range of courses offered in other than Czech languages, its promotion (information on web pages, presentation during education exhibitions abroad, cooperation with embassies), international cooperation strategy and creating conditions suitable for international students (learning aids in foreign languages, lecture rooms a laboratories equipment, staff language skills, accommodation, leisure time facilities, etc.) and contribution by international experts to particular departments;
–  pay effort to enter scientific and technologic parks, technology auto transfer and/or incubators;
–  systematically develop young talent search and support system at the level of each component part;
–  consider the long-term research, development and innovation perspectives for each component to determine research priorities for systematic development;
– use the established contacts and search for potential partners for double/multiple/joint degrees, which are in school’s long-term horizon intent however not utilised currently.